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Our Facility



Fairbanks Stable indoor arena and barns at sunset
Fairbanks crew mowing hay during the season

Our two barns contain 34 stalls.


Stalls are picked and bedded daily.

Indoor Arena

A lesson student rides in the Fairbanks Stable indoor arena

Fairbanks Stable grows and feeds

our own first and second cutting hay.


We mix our own grain and personalize diets to each individual horse's needs.


A group of horses enjoying grazing in their pasture

The indoor arena is a spacious 75 x 175 ft. It is well-ventilated and well-lit for nighttime riding.


Our footing has just recently been updated with the addition of fiber and sand and is maintained regularly.



Trail riding amongst the fall foliage

Our paddocks are 15-25 acres each and house two herds, mares and geldings.


Individual turnout is available upon request as well.



Jump Field

Trainer Faye and FBS Rita enjoying a jump school about our jump field

We have multiple trail loops on property as well as larger systems in state land, just a short ride up our quiet road.

Our jump field has a full course of stadium and cross country jumps set up Spring - Fall.

Included Services

Daily services include grainhay, water, turnout, and blanket/sheet changes.

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